Monday, November 22, 2010

Human Rights Party President Blocked

On July 4, 2010 the Human Rights Party president was blocked of his access to visit villagers in Prey Yuthkar commune, Koh Andet district, Takeo province by local authorities. The purpose of this visit was to discuss issue, as well as expressing opinions; especially problems that those people had faced in their own area.

Reported to the media, Mr. Kim Sokha, the president of Human Rights Party said that those local authorities did not allow him to meet with people in order to know what difficulties, concerns and expression they had faced and wanted to show. He condemned this kind of the act as the violation of his duty and rights and on behalf of a member of parliamentary. In fact any lawmaker has its duty to freely move somewhere to ask about its own people without asking or giving permission from any level of authorities. They only inform the direction where to go.

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