Monday, November 22, 2010

Attempted Killing of Three Journalists

On February 4, 2010 three local journalists in Kratie province reported received death threat from Border Military Official as they accidentally encountered timbers were transported in a mini-van at around 12:00 mid-night on a small rout in Sre Roneam village Khsim commune, Snoul district, Kratie province. Tension rose up after these three reporters came up to them and asked questions.

Meas Chantara, 44, one of the victims and works for Justice Newspaper in Kratie province, reported that at around 12:00 at midnight, on February 4, 2010 his group bumped into a mini-van carrying timbers. The van was about to drive out of a mill into a small rout in Sre Roneam village Khsim commune, Snoul district, Kratie province. Seeing that, his group went up to the mini-van, and asked questions [regarding to this timber transportation].

After that a 95-made, dark blue car was driving very fast up to his car, and banged on the left of his front car, and after that they drove away on escape. However, two more cars were parking to intercept in the middle of road in an area, called Phnom Prich Mountain site. A moment later these cars drove back; but four cars, which carried around 10 young men, seriously ran into his car until it was almost completely dented. Meas Chantara added that his group knew exactly that those perpetrators premeditated to kill them, which was initiatively planned by Chhorn Hoeun.

However, Mr. Mot Savy, the military official from Border Unit 204 and who was accused of illegally stocking timbers refused that his house was not the place to keep timbers; however, it was reported that normally Chhorn Hoeun secretly carried timbers and dropped in his house. For this reason, he claimed that Chhorn Hoeun knew his house, which contained a brick fence. So he [Chhorn Hoeun] asked him to keep something. Chhorn Hoeun secretly dropped in the timbers and carried out without informing him. He did not know that and never got any single Riel from Chhorn Hoeun.

In contrast, Meas Chantara said that villagers, who lived in the area, clearly recognized Chhorn Hoeun. He depended on his occupation as a soldier to illegally run the business. No one dared to arrest him at all. However, lots of villagers complained that the road was seriously destroyed due to timber transportation.

Regarding the above issue, Provincial Police Commissioner said that he would order his men to further investigate the case. He also asserted some journalists used to extort money from those illegal businesspeople. Therefore, such an act would cause them furious and committed such violation in revenge.

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